Complaints Against Laser Spine Institute The Collision And Annihilation Of The Ady Gil?
The collision and annihilation of the Ady Gil? - complaints against laser spine institute
I read that Australia, New Zealand and Japan to study the collision of ships outside sea.I also read that Sea Shepherd has made a complaint in the Dutch Maritime Board about the incident.
I wonder, why do you have?
3 countries must also play for the research, or simply trying, against other countries?
If you go to court over the incident, so that everything they have done, they go to court?
Is this incompetence in extreme fuel Ady Gil, that if (as they say) as a pirate to be active?
Is it legal to laser firing at the people on the high seas and in danger of fouling the propeller of the vessel and threw on the slippery decks substances in dangerous waters?
I know that sorg / is a good pastor and that propaganda seems to be another trick by them?
Remember, all the other garbage is with.It seems to say, why Australia and New Zealand to the cause that they are accepted in Australian waters or waters that have international waters?
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