Vodka Cruiser How To Make Please Help, What Do I Do Now?
Please help, what do i do now? - vodka cruiser how to make
My little sister is 14 and they no longer drink vodka cruiser that alcohol is the drink of vodka, rum, it has! Every day when you grab a bottle of alcohol again and runs into her room and drink and tell him to stop, but she has! i think shes from alcohol dependent, and this has seen doctors if shes good stop, but not with the drinking! Her teachers say that they do not pay attention in school, because she always feels sick and goes to sleep! How can I stop taking it! We buy more alcohol, but managed to recover some of his friends thats 20 and we made a complaint to her friend of 20 years, but his friend still buy it! we put my sister in a hospital or a specializedThing! Help
What is your race
What is your race? :)
What is your race
Could be an Internet search for "Alcohol Brain Damage" + children of interest.
You and your family should talk about his concern for her, and persuaded to go to rehab. Rehabilitation should be voluntary, you can not let him go if he does not. Just get the family together, and whoever loves and talk about how she has a problem and needs to help by actions to themselves. No one can make the hand, must realize that the first problem. Locations in the rehabilitation clinics are examples of success. One can say that people like her have come and how we overcome them.
Good luck and I hope that everything goes well
when he said, "every day when you get back access to a bottle of alcohol and running into her room and drink"
That makes me go out like this, something is wrong with him. Perhaps you feel neglected?
Maybe they need someone there for them?
Perhaps she does as a source of concern?
Try to ask you what is wrong. I truly believe that they need help.
What happens at school ... What happens when you go? What it takes to allow to go home and drink, ask your current one.
Good luck and here.
Could be an Internet search for "Alcohol Brain Damage" + children of interest.
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